Monday, October 19, 2015

She's multiplying!

Today Lilly made an exciting connection between addition and multiplication.  She had some pictures of 'sets' of a number and was adding them (i.e. 3+3+3+3; 4 threes =).  Then I pulled out some old flashcards I had made when teaching 3rd grade (1995-96 - wow!) and 'showing' this same transition.  I had her go through a few of them and then showed one with a multiplication problem - she said "I can't do that.  That's multiplication."  Micah started paying more attention because he knew what was coming, and he smiled real big knowing how excited she was going to be.  I said "It's the same as you've just been doing, just written differently.  Say it as 'sets' or 'groups of'."  She did and she lit up!!  She wanted more.  Micah and I began pouring out multiplication problems and she'd whip out the answer, dance around, and smile real big.  It was fantastic!